The following page includes links and access to required public information and postings
2024-2025 BHASED: Center and Phoenix Calendar
2024-2025 Superintendents’ Advisory Committee and Governing Board Meeting Schedule
Superintendents Advisory Committee and Governing Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Illinois Freedom of Information Action (FOIA) Information
Parent/Guardian Request for Classroom Observation (Procedure)
Title IX Coordinator — Dr. Kathy Ruggeberg, Director (309) 796-2500;
Understanding PUNS: PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. It’s a database that tracks people with developmental disabilities in Illinois who are looking for or planning to use services. The state uses PUNS to determine who to provide services to, and when.
Phoenix Contact: Judi Simon (
BHAEC (The Center) Contact: Jennifer Fordyce (
Understanding Type 1 Diabetes for Parents and Guardians