BHASED IEP Procedural Manual
**ISBE Deviation Requests**
70/30 Class Composition Deviation Request
Class Size Deviation Request
Age Range Deviation Request
EmbraceIEP Tips and Instructions
How to Create an Amendment in EmbraceIEP
How to Create a Domains Meeting
How to Complete IEP Goal Progress Reports
Uploading Documents in EmbraceIEP
Transfer in Procedure for Students with IEPs in EmbraceIEP
Transfer in Procedure for Students NOT in EmbraceIEP
Referral for Itinerant Services (OT, PT, Deaf-Hard of Hearing, Vision, Orthopedic) (4/2024)
To make a referral to the BHAEC or Phoenix contact your BHASED Coordinator.
Vocational Evaluation Information Page
Request for a Vocational Evaluation
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Eligibility Checklist
Position Statement for Teachers of Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing
FACTS Handbook – 2024-25 (09/2024)
BHASED Consent to Exchange Confidential Records / Information(11/2024)